Thursday, June 18, 2009

Museum Fall Spurs Lawsuit in California

What started out as a pleasant jaunt to a city museum turned painful for 81-year-old San Rafael resident Janet Cole. After leaving the facility, Cole stepped out the front door and then stumbled after failing to see the step down from the threshold. Cole’s suit claims that inadequate lighting in the area and the lack of a yellow ‘caution’ marking contributed to her spill, which resulted in a fractured right leg and nearly three months’ inpatient care in area hospitals. The Coles’ suit claims premises liability, general negligence, and loss of consortium.

Have you been injured in a public fall? If so, you need the help of an experienced team of personal injury attorneys.
Contact the attorneys at The Heller Law Firm for a free consultation, or call us direct at 866-461-5791. You will hear from us either the same day or within 24 hours.