Monday, July 27, 2009

West Virginia Big Rig Crash Yields Family $16 Million Settlement

What started out at as a typical drive in the West Virginia countryside ended in tragedy for Rhonda Henson of Cleburne. Henson and her husband were traveling south on a local byway when a large piece of equipment was dislodged from a big rig tractor trailer that was driving in the opposite direction. The gas drilling equipment smashed into the Hensons’ vehicle, causing injuries that would later result in Rhonda’s demise. Investigators found multiple safety infractions that contributed to the accident. In a recent settlement, Pioneer Drilling, the company that employed the driver involved in the crash, paid $16 million to the Henson family.

Have you or a family member been injured in a big rig crash? We can help you understand your legal options. Contact the attorneys at The Heller Law Firm for a free consultation, or call us direct at 866-461-5791. You will hear from us either the same day or within 24 hours.