Wednesday, April 9, 2008

American Cars Need Stronger Roofs, Study Says

A leading insurance industry think tank recently released a 20-page study analyzing crash data culled from nearly 23,000 automobile accidents. According to the report’s findings, thousands of lives could be saved each year if American automakers adjusted their manufacturing practices to adhere to higher safety standards. The issue of roof strength was singled out as a major safety hazard, as the majority of traffic injuries and deaths occur in rollover accidents. Representatives of the Big Three automakers have called the report’s findings into question, but the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is said to be taking the report’s recommendations under advisement.

Have you or a loved one been injured in a car accident? Let an experienced personal injury lawyer help explain your options.
Contact the attorneys at The Heller Law Firm for a free consultation, or call us direct at 866-461-5791. You will hear from us either the same day or within 24 hours.