Friday, April 18, 2008

Emergency Surgery Leaves New Hampshire Man Blind

Every second counts when it comes to providing the victims of an auto accident with effective medical care. Unfortunately, in the case of 42-year-old Randolph Hinz, a doctor’s error resulted in the patient’s permanent vision loss. After a 2006 car crash, Hinz was rushed to a local hospital, where surgeons immediately operated on a broken leg he sustained in the crash. However, due to loss of blood after the accident, Hinz’ optic nerves were irreparably damaged, causing him to go blind. In a lawsuit Hinz later filed, he claimed that the doctors should have stabilized his blood loss before attempting the surgery. A jury agreed – to the tune of more than $1.75 million.

If you’ve been impacted by medical malpractice, we’re here to help.
Contact the California medical malpractice attorneys at The Heller Law Firm for a free consultation, or call us direct at 866-461-5791. You will hear from us either the same day or within 24 hours.